President Yoweri Museveni on Saturday evening directed that starting from Monday March 23, no person should be allowed to enter Uganda regardless of the means of transport he/she uses.
“Up to now, Uganda by God’s mercy has not recorded a single case of coronavirus. In my address of March 18, I had directed the health authorities to allow people come to Uganda but be quarantined. But due to the indiscipline of some individuals, we have now decided to review that position and tighten the preventive measures,” he said while addressing the nation for the second time in four days over coronavirus outbreak.
Mr Museveni added that: “Consequently, we have decided among other things, to prohibit all incoming passengers where by air, land or water. All passenger planes coming from outside Uganda from landing at any of the airports in Uganda.”
He noted that only cargo planes or those involved in relief work will be allowed to flight into and outside of Uganda.

According to Mr Museveni, the crews of these cargo or mission planes will be accommodated in locations agreed with the concerned authorities.
“Domestic flights will continue for now, until the need to stop them arises,” he said.
He, however, said that in conformity with the East African community agreement, the drivers of cargo trucks and their helpers not exceeding three will be allowed to enter or get out of Uganda.
“No buses, no min-buses, no salon cars, no taxis, no boda bodas will be allowed in the country. Also pedestrians walking on foot or riding on bicycles will not be allowed to enter Uganda by water, by road or by footpath nor will they be allowed to exit by those means,” the President said.

Mr Museveni, to put these new measures into force, called upon the Local Council One leaders in the border areas to work with security personnel to enforce the new orders.
Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya and Democratic Republic of Congo are Ugandan neighbours that are already battling the Covid-19 cases.