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March 2020 - Page 7

Gen.M7 Promotes Over 140 Prisons Service Officers

President General Yoweri Kaguta Museveni  has promoted a total of 148  of Uganda prison service from various ranks. According to communication from the commissioner general of prisons Dr. Johnson Byabashaija, Baine and four others including; Hillary Bisanga, Gervase Tumuhimbise, Tadeo Kaliisa, Raphael
March 18, 2020

New Directives From Gov’t To Curb Coronavirus

The president of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has issued new directives as a way of curbing Corona Virus from entering Uganda. Below are directives in part.. 1. Schools, Universities & Institutions of higher should close by Friday 20th March, 2020 2. Churches,
March 18, 2020

Gen.Tumukunde Remanded To Luzira Prison Over Treason

Former Minister for security Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde has been charged at city hall court with treason and four other counts of unlawful possession of firearms and remanded him to Luzira prison until 30th March 2020. Mr.Tumukunde appeared before grade one magistrate Valerian
March 18, 2020

Security Cordon Off Gen.Tumukunde’s Rukungiri Home

Former security minister Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde has said security  on Tuesday raided his upcountry home and arrested everyone they found. “A team of investigators from both police/ Security organs have raided my house in Rukungiri rounding up all people at the
March 18, 2020
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