In the Thursday 2, April, 2020 plenary, both the Speaker Rt Hon. Rebecca Kadaga and legislators said there is a need for government to consider all parts of the country.
Ronny Ayoo, Kwania County MP, said that the lockdown is affecting everyone across the country and wondered why priority is being given to residents of Kampala Metropolitan Area.
Paul Amoru, Dokolo MP, demanded a more structured payout system for all the needy across the country.
Thomas Tayebwa, Ruhinda North MP, said that government should distribute money to people via Mobile Money to enable them buy their own food.

The Prime Minister of Uganda Rt. Hon. Ruhakana Rugunda’s attempts to explain that the government was distributing the food under an emergency plan fell on deaf ears.
Kadaga eventually ruled that the government food distribution programme was being suspended until the state explains the plan for the country.
Government on Wednesday announced that this weekend they will kickstart distribution of food and other essential items to a total of 1.5m vulnerable people in Kampala and Wakiso districts as a way of mitigating the hash impact of Covid-19.
Prime Minister, Dr Ruhakana Rugunda, told Parliament on Wednesday that the distribution of food will be done at the Local Council one level to easily identify those who are supposed to receive relief from government.

Dr Rugunda said that each person will be given 6kgs of maize flour (posho) and 3kgs of beans whereas lactating mother and the sick will receive powered milk and 2kgs of sugar each.
“The government will start the district of food relief to 1.2million people in Kampala and Wakiso district. We will give 6kgs of maize flour per head and 3kgs of beans per head,” the Prime Minister said.