Energy Mafias Debunked Part I: Billions Swindled, Min. Of Energy Stuck With The Untouchable REA Mafias

By the Capital Times Investigative Unit Two key officials of the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) under the Ministry of Energy have deceitfully kept themselves in their offices despite being found guilty of causing serious financial losses to the Agency over the past several years. An investigation report by the Office of the Inspectorate of Government addressed to the Chairman of REA Board Mr. Robert Kasande who also doubles as the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Energy on 17th January 2020 found the two officials Mr. Godfrey Khaukha Werikhe the Deputy Executive Director in charge of Technical Operations and Mr. John Abouf Turyagyenda, the Manager … Continue reading Energy Mafias Debunked Part I: Billions Swindled, Min. Of Energy Stuck With The Untouchable REA Mafias