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June 21, 2020

Nansana: 30 Arrested For Defying Covid-19 Directives

Police have on Sunday June 21 arrested over 30 people around Nansana over defying the Covid-19 presidential directives. The arrest followed an operation in and around Makutano Hotel where police found the sauna functional, the bar open and business as usual. According
June 21, 2020

Sad: Odrek Rwabwongo’s Brother Rev.Nahamya Passes On

Son in law to President Yoweri Museveni ,city business man Odrek Rwabwogo has lost a brother one Rev. Timothy Namanya Rwabwogo, who passed away at the age of 58. Rev. Namanya took his last breathe at Case Hospital, Kampala on Saturday, June
June 21, 2020