Two people died and three others sustained critically injuries following a nasty road accident at Nabajjuzi swamp along Masaka-Kyotera Highway on Friday.
The accident involved tipper truck Reg. No. UAR 487M which collided head on with lorry Reg. No. KCH 262Z.
Police identified one of the deceased as Sowedi Kalanzi, a mechanic at Naludugavu Garage located on Grant Street in Masaka City, while the other deceased person and the injured were yet to be identified by the time of filing this story.
According to eye witnesses, the driver of the tipper (deceased) lost control of the truck, ramming into an oncoming lorry that was heading to Kyotera from Masaka.

“The road section where the accident occurred has some potholes and the driver of the truck (tipper) that caused the accident was trying to dodge a pothole and ended up knocking the lorry head-on,” Mr Andrew Kagimu, one of the eye witnesses, said.
He, however, faulted police for arriving late at the scene which paralyzed traffic along the busy highway for close to two hours.
Mr Kagime said the occupants of the ill-fated tipper truck were coming back to Masaka from Kalisizo where they had gone for burial.
Southern Regional Police Spokesperson, Mr Muhammad Nsubuga, said the traffic police later removed the wreckage of the two vehicles to allow smooth flow of traffic.

“Police with the help of residents managed to rush the victims to Masaka Regional Referral Hospital for treatment and the two bodies have also been taken to the mortuary,” he said.
Mr Nsubuga warned road users to always be careful or else they risk losing their precious lives.