The final Rushenyi County result for NRM primaries will be announced by the party Electoral Boss Dr. Tanga Odoi on Tuesday.
Tanga cancelled the result in which the NRM returning officer declared Naome Kabasharira winner having who trounced Minister Mwesigwa Rukutana with 40 votes.
Kabasharira garnered 24,006 while Rukutana got 23,966 votes, but Rukutana’s legal team contested the result in a petition forwarded to Tanga’s office.
Against that backdrop, Tanga has admitted to have received a complaint from Rukutana’s side and for purposes of fairness, the Electoral Commission has embarked on serious investigations and will announce the final result next week on Tuesday.

Accordingly, Rubaare sub county, which is considered Rukutana’s stronghold didn’t vote after the register disappeared.
Voting was deferred to Saturday, the same day when chaos broke out in the area resulting into multiple shooting and injuring of Rukutana’s rival’s loyalists.
As as result Minister Rukutana has since been sent to prison battling several charges; attempted murder, theft of a gun, malicious damage and assault.
He will return to Court on September 15.