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NRM Manifesto On Science,Technology,Engineering & Innovation Will Spur Economic Development -Hillary Ainesasi

The National Resistance Movement ‘NRM’ 2021 to 2026 Manifesto is intent on using Science, Technology Engineering and Innovation(STEI) to transform the fortunes of  Ugandans. Science deals with seeking to understand the laws that govern observed natural phenomena. Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives. Engineering deals with the application of science to create systems and convert natural resources for the benefit of mankind. Innovation is the process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value for customers or society.

The four (science, technology, engineering and innovation) are key drivers of social-economic development, by virtue of their capacity to improve productivity, enhance private sector competitiveness, promote accelerated growth and create jobs. Further, they are universally recognised as fundamental ingredients for poverty eradication, wealth creation and sustainable. The large disparities in income and social development between developed and developing countries are rooted in the considerable differences in their use of technology, and the resulting gaps in their productivity. Societies that have embraced and harnessed STEI have developed faster. Conversely, those that have lagged behind in the STEI area now find themselves in danger of increasingly being dependant on other economies and unable to handle the vagaries of nature(e.g. outbreaks of disease, drought, floods, hunger, and global warming). They also face the prospect of being conquered by others, enslaved or, even being exterminated as happened with the American indians and the Australian Aborigines. Africa was colonised, at least in part, not because it lacked kings, priests and musicians, but because the continent lagged behind in STEI. Centuries later, most of Africa continues to large behind in STEI advancement Meanwhile, the rest of the world is positioning itself for the fourth industrial revolution (also known as industrial 4.0 or 4IR). The 4IR will be characterised by technology breakthroughs in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, the internet of things (IOT), virtual reality, autonomous vehicles vehicles, 3D printing, block chain technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing.NRM is determined to ensure that Uganda catches up and its not left behind as was the case with the previous industrial revolutions. To achieve this, NRM government is going to focus on leveraging STEI and creating an enabling environment for innovators. The government is going to deal with the challenges encumbering STEI development. The key challenges have been weak technology-related infrastructure, lack of stake holder and institutional synergy crippling bureaucracy in government, human capital challenges, poor absorption of research inputs, and inadequate protection of intellectual property rights. In spite of these challenges, NRM has registered good progress and continue to work towards strengthening the STEI ecosystem and building resilient STEI infrastructure.

A. Creation of ministry and sector of science, technology and innovation.

B. Establishing of the machining, manufacturing and industrial skills development centre (MMISDC) at Mamanve.

C. Value addition and import substitution in the Nascent Automotive industry .

D.Revitalization of silk production in Uganda.

E. Establishment of Research and innovation Fund.

F. Support for applied research and development.

G. Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund.(Mak-RIF)

H. Banana Industrial Development and Value-Addition.

I. National Science , Technology, Engineering and Skills Enhancement Centre.

J. Establishment of National Space Programme.
NRM, through MoSTI, has started the National Space Programme to expedite the development of the aerospace industry and space science programmes in a well coordinated and harmonised manner. World over, the application science and Technology (SST) promotes sustainable development in virtually all sectors of the economy. Since 1950s when the first human-made satellites were launched into space, countries continue to rely on SST for various scientific and technological applications such as communication services; metreological observations; precision weather forecasting; natural resources monitoring: telemedicine; tele-education; disaster warning ; search and rescue operations; remote sensing and scientific studies of space( astronomy) and space weather; security and defence. Uganda is positioning itself through this programme to also tap into these benefits.
K.STI COVID-19 response.
I. Protection of intellectual property rights.
M. Agricultural Research and Development.

🇺🇬🇺🇬UGANDA DECIDES 2021.🇺🇬🇺🇬
✔️ Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
Securing your furture.

Ainesasi Hillary
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Deputy National coordinator
TEAM THOROUGH YKM 2021 a winning team.
Malcom X plot 10 Kololo.

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