Military Police Assaults Journalists Covering Bobi Wine’s Petition Presentation At UN Offices


Military police soldiers have attacked and brutalized journalists while covering National Unity Platform President Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi petitioning United Nations office of Human Rights.

The injured journalists have been identified as Irene Abalo of the Daily Monitor, John Cliff Wamala of NTV, Timothy Murungi of the New Vision and Joseph Namakumbi of Bukedde news paper.

Security blocked all roads leading to the UNHR offices where NUP president Robert Kyagulanyi was delivering a petition.

Human Rights Network for Journalists Uganda Executive Director Robert Ssempala condemned such inhumane acts security officers exhibited on press.

Alot of National Unity Platform sympathizers who had escorted their principal remained stranded as Police and military could not let them enter the UNHR office where Kyagulanyi was presenting his petition on rights violations against his supporters.