Nile Breweries Donates 300 Oxygen Cylinders to Save Covid-19 Patients


As a way of reducing the rising scarcity of oxygen in the health facilities, Nile Breweries Limited has boosted the health ministry with over 300 oxygen cylinders to save Covid-19 patients.

The donations were handed over to the Prime Minister Rt  Hon. Robinah Nabbanja on Wednesday July 21, 2021 by Nile Breweries Legal and Corporate Affairs Director Onapito Ekomoloit who pledged that the company will continue to support government since their product can only be consumed when the population is alive.

“At Nile Breweries we are cognizant that life can be good when we are living that is why our first principle is safety and since the first wave, we have joined government and other stakeholders to see that we fight against this pandemic. Today is just another step in that direction, we are honoured that you have given in time to flag off 300 oxygen cylinders donated by Nile breweries to try and save the precious lives of Ugandans.”

“This pandemic has shown us that the only way to build a better tomorrow is by working together. We have seen globally how stakeholders have come together to collaborate for the greater good. We’re proud to have been able to support Uganda’s healthcare system and its brave health workers at this difficult time.”

While flagging off the trucks with Oxygen cylinders at the Office of Prime Minister (OPM) in Kampala, Prime Minister thanked Nile breweries for their donation aimed at saving millions of Ugandans. To know more about how you can buy an affordable home from Kabaka’s Mirembe estate Sentema, check out here

“I want to thank Nile Breweries for joining hands with the government in the fight against this pandemic. As you may be aware government is putting in place a huge oxygen plant at Mulago that will supply oxygen to other referral hospitals. This is a commitment to the government to enhance national response in this pandemic.”

She added that countries that have managed to lift their lockdowns have at least vaccinated 3quarters of their people and that is the aim the government is taking. “Therefore, I once again want to request Nile Breweries to also help us on the task of seeing that we buy vaccines, we have so far gotten one donor who has started so we are also calling on others to join. This donation, and NBL’s continued support and contribution to Uganda, will make a real difference to the exceptionally difficult COVID-19 situation in the country. Our thanks go to NBL, to their parent company AB InBev, and to the individuals and teams that made this possible.”

The donation made on Wednesday is valued at over Shs 333Million (US$92,000), and it benefit major referral hospitals in 17 districts across Uganda.

The cylinders are to be distributed across the country covering all regions: Acholi, Ankole, Buganda, Bukedi, Bunyoro, Busoga, Karamoja, Kigezi, Lango, Sebei-Elgon, Teso, Tooro, and West Nile. These regions are represented by districts:Gulu, Mbarara, Kampala, Masaka, Lugazi, Tororo, Masindi , Jinja, Iganga , Moroto, Kabale, Lira, Kapchorwa, Mbale, Soroti , Kabarole, and Arua.

NBL has long been a valuable pillar of the Ugandan economy, contributing nearly Shs 400 billion to our GDP each year, and supporting approximately 40 000 formal and informal jobs.

When COVID 19 threatened, NBL responded quickly. NBL has previously donated 25,000kg of maize meal to those threatened by food insecurity during the 1ST lockdown; 7,900 litres of fuel to Covid 19 Task Forces of districts, Mbarara, Jinja, Kampala and Buikwe, and medical equipment valued at Shs60 million for Mulago Hospital Intensive Care Unit.

Francis Kisirinya, the acting Executive Director, Private Sector Foundation Uganda, thanked NBL alluding that the donation is a timely and most needed contribution now that will save lives, particularly for those in hospitals.

“The private sector recently appealed to its members to come together and complement Government efforts to the COVID19 resurgence. We applaud Nile Breweries for heeding to our call.With life; business thrives.”