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Emmanuel Businge: It’s Not Surprising For The Opposition To Celebrate Death

2 mins read

For political actors and parties not premised on clear ideology ,the celebration of death is something that should not surprise any right minded person . That is what they ought to do .

The death of Gen Elly Tumwine a celebrated NRA war hero has received mixed reactions with majority Ugandans mourning a gallant statesman ,a protracted NRA war hero ,a mentor to many and a person who held several positions in the service of his country to some opposition figures it turned into a moment of celebration to others an a venue to bring out sarcasm . It should be noted that this is a trend that is deep rooted within the opposition ranks a stark contrast with their NRM counter parts .

Its foolhardy to blindly believe or suggest death is a one sided dice . Avery living thing will ultimately die at any time with the deference being when . Therefore the celebration of death is just an endeavor that exposes ones background , cultural decay and ideological bankruptcy .

Its known to all and sundry that the NRM is anchored on principles that constitute its ideology . Patriotism ,democracy, pan Africanism and social economic transformation are principles that define the NRM ideology . Ask about principles that define any other party ? Therefore ,the supporters of the opposition figures are left with nothing to bind them other than hatred and all its ingredients that manifest them selves in celebration of occurrences like death and sickness .

One statement they refer to as political novices in laboring to justify their hatred of Gen Elly Tumwine is that when he talked against violent demonstrations . Not knowing that there is no government or state for that matter world over that can encourage violent demonstrations characterised by destruction of property and roads ,disruption of business and threatening to oust a democratically elected government .Even in an unlikely event of a Bobi presidency ,there is no single day a Senyonyi at that time will come on TV to condone violent demonstrators , not even a naked Stella Nyanzi can join ugly demonstrators in an unlikely Kiza Besigye government despite her sharp criticism of Gen Elly’s take on demonstrators. In essence no government can watch on for anarchy to prevail even if its headed by novices like Bobi Wine and cohorts .

Yes ,Bobi wondered why the hatred ? Going by his Facebook post and never told the world who exuded the hatred . Its simple ,his supporters and followers on Facebook showered the world with hatred for they have nothing that brings them together than hatred . To him that is where he derives political capital and measure of loyalty for his supporters is about how best one can express hate ,abuse and intorelence .

The unfortunate beauty of all that is that it all comes back to haunt the architect . Just recently ,he was up in arms with his own leautnants who turned guns to abuse the Kabaka of Buganda and yet previously the abusers were treated with heroic applause from the opposition politicians.

Soon the very people drumming hatred will taste the recipe when it downs on them . They will watch over their dead beloved ones as others they call political confidants burst in celebrations – Its the culture being introduced by the new oppositions kids on block.

They glorified abuses and its turning back on them ,just like celebration of death will automatically bounce back to them .

Emmanuel Businge is Deputy Resident City Commissioner for Fort Portal City


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