Eversince,Moses Kirwana one of top promoters of transgender activists went into hiding for his dear life alot things have happened to his family members.
The latest information we are receiving is that his son Hamza Kakembo who has been studying at Kyambago is feared to be gone after spending good months without being seen anywhere.
Hamza’s life started deteriorating after several students learnt that his dad was hunted by authorities for spearheading homosexuality activities which are deemed unafrican.He was arrested and interrogated several times to reveal where his father was and where he was getting funding from.
Such kind of harassment left Hamza mentally frustrated.His father’s enemies,took advantage to use a section of security operatives to grab the property which he vehemently rejected.

Mr Moses Kirwana joined a group of activists under their rainbow umbrella and have been vocal in supporting same sex practices.
Uganda being a religious and culturally conservative country, LGBT practices are abominable and punishable by society that tends to shun and scorn such people. In the past the debate as to whether LGBT is either inborn or learnt and addictive attracted the attention of President Museveni who famously said he had scientific proof it’s something learned as opposed to being inborn.
A Ugandan delegation in Mozambique led by the deputy speaker Thomas Tayebwa vehemently opposed plans by pro-gay nations to impose the promotion of homosexuality and abortion as new conditions for trade and aid relationships with the European Union.
A delegation of Ugandan leaders was attending 61st session of the Organization of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States Parliamentary Assembly (OACPS PA) and 42nd Session of the ACP-European Union joint Parliamentary Assembly (ACP-EU JPA) in Maputo City, Mozambique.

According to documents available from legal fraternity and authorities,one of Kirwana’s sisters Fatuma Nassanga who stood for him as a surety is currently under fear for her life and has been put on pressure by Ugandan authorities to produce Kirwana to face prosecution.
Through her lawyers, Nassanga , a Ugandan, petitioned Netherlands Embassy in Kampala, Uganda over deportation of Kirwana.
In December 2017, a one Kirwana Moses was arrested by detectives and detained at Katwe Police station in Kampala for allegedly engaging in homosexual activities and was consequently charged with offences of homosexuality, Promotion of homosexuality and spreading disease through homosexuality, all under the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014, Laws of Uganda.
Ms. Nassanga Fatuma, who is also Moses’s sister followed up with him at Police together with two others, stood surety for him and was consequently released on Police bond around the 20 day of December 2017.
After a while, Nassanga says that she learnt from the Uganda Police that the said Kirwana Moses had fled to Netherlands and that according to the Laws of Uganda, our client would consequently be liable to produce the accused in case he remained a fugitive or answer the Charges against the accused.
Section 14 of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014, Laws of Uganda, provides that”A person charged with an offence of under the Act shll be líable to extradition under the existing extradition laws.
Lawyers argued that invoking the said law, that it would be possible for the Government of Netherlands to deport Mr. Kirwana Moses back to Uganda and he answers charges of Homosexuality.
In light of the above, they informed Nassanga the imminent danger and thus request the Government of Netherlands not to produce Kirwana Moses to answer the said charges.
Kirwana would lure many to attend symposiums on depressive symptoms among LGBT clients that would sometimes be successfully thwarted by the security authorities. In her hey days, relentless Kirwana hoped to use such symposiums as recruit avenues for especially University students into homosexuality.
On getting freed from detention, Kirwana became stronger, started spreading sensitisation until he realised that his life was in danger from different security sectors and decided flee to Europe for his safety.
His jailors must have done something tremendous to significantly alter her excitement and boldness towards the prohibited sex practice and orientation.
By press time,the security authorities had not officially released right information about his son.
Moses Kirwana all along has been indulging European countries to process his documents so that he can rescue his people whose rights are being demonised .