Commemorating International Day of Forests: Over 1,500 Trees Planted As Fairventures Worldwide, Ndejje University Team Up For Tree Planting Campaign


Fairventures Worldwide in collaboration with Ndejje University has on March 21, 2023 commemorated the International Day of Forests with planting over 1,500 trees on a 5 acres land allocated for forestry conservation.

This news website has learnt that a section of students from Luweero District rallied the public on responsible livelihoods that value and protect the environment for better health.

Ms Patience Namara, the Country Director Fairventures Worldwide partnering with  different institutions and the community to distribute free tree seedlings for planting says, tree planting should be encouraged at community level with the target of boosting tree planting.

“Fairventures Uganda has provided the 1,500 tree seedlings for planting at the Ndejje University land but we also encourage all Ugandans to commit to the tree planting campaign and embrace the culture of caring for the environment,” she said.

Ms Joyce Namayanja, a student at Ndejje High School in Luweero District believes that while tree cutting for charcoal may not be prohibited since charcoal is the main source of fuel for the urban population, mandatory tree planting should be enforced.

“Every family should be allocated some trees to plant to boost the tree and forest cover in the Country. The trees should be provided free of charge by the government to boost the planting,” she said in an interview.

Luweero District Forest Officer Mr Deogratious Mijumbi told the press that government through the National Forestry Authority and partners are giving out the tree seedlings free of charge for purposes of planting to boost the environment.

“The forest trees distributed are in the category of fruit trees and the wood purpose trees that can be planted for both income and the purpose of boosting the environment. We have free tree seedlings distributed at Katuugo tree nursery beds in Nakasongola District for the greater Luweero areas,” he said.

Integrating the culture of tree planting at community level and ensuring the rejuvenation of the wasted forest areas will boost the environment. We should endeavor to love nature and support the tree planting campaign for our own good.

Canon Prof Olivia Nassaka Banja the Ndejje University Vice Chancellor said, the 2023- year theme ‘Forests and Health’ for the international forestry day gives a clear background upon which humans can partner to ensure better health through promoting a good environment.

“We are all aware that the forests play a significant role in our lives. We cannot live without the trees. This is the very reason why Ndejje University has dedicated more than 100 acres of land for tree planting,” she said.

Through partnership and community engagement, the National Forestry Authority targets the restoration of at least 60 hectares of lost tree cover in the next five years.

The Executive Director National Forestry Authority Mr Tom Okello Obong reveals that the past restoration initiatives have recently seen an increase in the forest cover from 9% of the total land cover in Uganda in 2025 to 13.4% in 2019 National Biomass Report.

A total of 2,000 tree seedlings are expected to be planted according to an understanding between Fairventures Worldwide and Ndejje University.

Fairventures Worldwide (FVW) is an international NGO that combines sustainable reforestation using fast growing indigenous tree species in agroforestry systems, food production and value chain development, ensuring income generation for small holder farmers and regeneration of degraded landscapes.

Currently, Fairventures is undertaking restoration projects with both private and public entities such as Makerere University, the National Scouts Association, Bethany Land Institute, and the Fort Portal Tourism City Council.

Previously, FVW organized massive community tree planting events at the Kaazi Scouts Forest Reserve in Busabala and Fort Portal Tourism City as part of the Re-Greening Fort Portal campaign and restored another degraded landscape in Bunyama-Mukono, with both community members and students from learning institutions serving as key planters.

The collaboration between Fairventures Worldwide and Ndejje University is seen as an essential step towards developing and strengthening synergies in climate mitigation, forests, and tree management, particularly as an institution participating in forest and climate change-related activities.


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