The community in Kiira Region’s Jinja East Division has expressed admiration for the police’s unique approach to Christmas patrols. On the night of December 25, 2024, SP Magombe Reagan led a team of officers in conducting impromptu checks at various police substations and posts, visiting locations such as Namasiga Police Post, Busede Police Station, Namaganga Police Post, Iziru Police Post, Buyengo Police Station, Kamigo Police Post, and Wanyange Police Station.
Local leaders who witnessed the operation praised SP Magombe’s efforts to ensure accountability within the police ranks. “This is a wonderful way of policing,” said a leader from Busede. “We can feel the police presence everywhere, making us confident and able to enjoy our day.”
Another leader from Buyengo noted, “The police allowed us to enjoy our Christmas celebrations while ensuring establishments followed guidelines such as access control, proper lighting, and adequate security. This approach has been well-received by the community.”
The police operation resulted in six policemen being arrested and charged with various disciplinary offenses, including intoxication, absenteeism, and withdrawing from duty. Others were cautioned and advised to remain alert to avoid operational mistakes.

SP Magombe Reagan emphasized that the focus was on ensuring police substations and posts were alert and ready to serve the public during the Christmas celebrations. “Being a police officer is not just a job but a calling that requires dedication to serving the community, even on public holidays when criminals might expect officers to be off-duty.”
The community appreciated the police’s efforts to ensure their safety while also allowing them to celebrate the holiday. By prioritizing accountability within their own ranks, the police demonstrated their commitment to providing effective and responsible law enforcement services.