Block 2

Would Liverpool Miss Out On The Premier League If The Coronavirus Situation Worsens?

The coronavirus outbreak has been rapidly worsening globally, but will it affect Jurgen Klopp’s side hopes of winning the league? The effect of the deadly coronavirus has been devastating, with at least 130,000 people infected and over 5,000 deaths by March 13. It has already spread throughout China and is now rampant in the UK, USA, Australia and much of Europe.…

Worry As Namisindwa Quarantine Center Is Overwhelmed With Contacts Of Uganda’s First Covid-19 Death

The Namisindwa District quarantine center at Magale secondary school is overwhelmed by the high number of Covid-19 suspects. Thecapitaltimes has learnt that the quarantine center which was planned for only 100 people is currently holding an accumulative number of over 179 suspects. Ninety seven (97) of the suspects are contacts of Eunice Chimatala, a resident…

Worry As Illicit Financial Flows Threaten Security & Stability In Africa

At a time when Africa is mobilizing resources for pandemic recovery and sustainable development, illicit financial flows (IFFs) are robbing the continent of 50 billion U.S. dollars annually, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed told a high-level virtual meeting on Thursday held under the African Union’s (AU) “Silencing the Guns” initiative. These staggering losses “would be…