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Sports news

PICTORIAL! Inside Hamz Stadium Nakivubo: A New Dawn for Ugandan Sports Culture and Entertainment

Kampala was a city reborn on Saturday, June 1, 2024, as the much-anticipated Hamz Stadium, formerly known as Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium, celebrated its grand opening. The momentous event marked a new chapter in the Ugandan sports and entertainment landscape, showcasing the vision and determination of young mogul Hamis Kiggundu, who undertook the ambitious reconstruction project…


President Museveni Commissions Hamz Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on Thursday 25th April, 2024 commissioned the newly refurbished Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium. The multi-purpose stadium was developed by businessman Hamis Kiggundu famously known as Ham. During the commissioning, President Museveni congratulated and thanked Mr. Ham Kiggundu for the good work of giving Nakivubo Stadium a state-of-the-art face-lift. “First of all,…

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