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November 2019 - Page 3

Mao Finally Bows Down,Hands Over IPOD Leadership To FDC

Democratic Party (DP) President Norbert Mao has handed over leadership of that Inter-Party Organisation Dialogue (IPOD) chairmanship to Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) president Patrick Oboi Amuriat aka POA. Norbert Mao and Patrick Amuriat shake hands at the function Below is New
November 27, 2019

35 Rwandan Nationals Remanded To Kisoro Prison Over Illegal Entry

35 Rwandans and four Congolese nationals were remanded to Kisoro government prison on Tuesday November 26, 2019, after they were charged with alleged illegal entry in Uganda, at Kisoro magistrates court. The suspects that were arrested in joint operations conducted by the
November 27, 2019

M7 Dishes Out 120M On Quiin Abenakyo Child Pregnancies Foundation

President Yoweri Museveni and Speaker Rebeccca Kadaga on Monday evening attended a fundraising event for the Quiin Abenakyo Foundation. The memorable event was held at Sheraton Kampala Hotel. Quiin The latter is geared at fighting teenage pregnancies and child marriages. President Museveni
November 27, 2019

Huawei Trains Senior Police Officers On Modern CCTV Cameras Use

A total of 45 Senior Police Officers have today completed an eight day Senior Commanders’ Course at Police headquarters Naguru. The Deputy Director of Human Resource Development SCP Felix Ndyomugyenyi closed the course on behalf of his Director AIGP Godfrey Golooba. SCP
November 26, 2019
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