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August 02, 2020

Suspected Covid-19 Patient Dies In Kiruhura

A suspected coronavirus patient in Kiruhura district has died at Rushere community hospital. The deceased who was under isolation is a resident of Bwashamure, Kenshunga sub county. He was admitted on Monday after presenting Covid-19 like signs and symptoms that include body
August 2, 2020

UPC Defies Court Order, Endorses Akena For Party Presidency

The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) delegates have approved Jimmy Akena as the party president for the second term. This was during the party delegates conference held at Kasangati Resort Hotel in Kasangati town council in Wakiso district on Saturday. Akena was unopposed
August 2, 2020

Face Off: Five RDCs Resign To Join 2021 Elective Politics

Five Resident District Commissioners- RDCs from the Teso sub region have resigned to vie for different political positions in the 2021 elections. They include, George Edward Onya Akonopeesa of Kaberamaido and Kalaki who is challenging Charles Ilukor for Kumi County MP; Vincent
August 2, 2020