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August 2020 - Page 20

Govt Secures Shs 868Bn Loan For Construction Of Roads

Parliament of Uganda has approved Shs868b  for the construction of a host of roads around the country. The roads are Namugumba – Budadiri – Nalugugu (29km), Katuna – Muko -Kamuganguzi road (104km) and Laropi – Moyo – Afoji (Sudan border) which is
August 5, 2020

Uganda Cinema Owners Petition Kadaga To Reopen

Cinema operators have petitioned Parliament asking Government to allow them resume their operations. Cinemas were some of the various entities closed as one way of preventing the community spread of Covid-19 in March this year. The operators, who presented their petition to
August 5, 2020

MPs Finally Approve Creation Of Five Slots For Elderly

Members of Parliament have created five Parliamentary seats for elderly persons, one of which has been ring-fenced for women. Every region including Central, Eastern, Northern and Western will each have a representative elected by the Elders’ Council constituting all the districts in
August 5, 2020

Maj.Gen Kyanda Decries High Rates Of LDUs Brutality

The Chief of Staff Land Forces (COS- LF) of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF), Maj Gen Leopold Kyanda has given an interactive lecture to the Local Defence Force (LDF) personnel undergoing refresher training at Kakiri Barracks, where he urged the trainees
August 4, 2020