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October 2021 - Page 9

Museveni’s Ex Spokesperson, Hope Kivengere Passes On

Hope Kivengere,former president Museveni’s  spokesperson has passed on, the sad news has been confirmed by Senior Presidential Press Secretary, Ms Lindah Nabusayi Wamboka on Tuesday. Ms Kivengere was Mr Museveni’s longest serving Press Secretary (1986-2001). “Ms Hope Kivengere has passed on from
October 19, 2021

High Court Dustbins Mwiru’s Election Petition Against Nabeta

Jinja High Court has dismissed with costs an election petition filed by Alliance for National Transformation candidate Paul Mwiru challenging the victory of NRM’s Igeme Nathan Nabeta. Mwiru through his lawyer Edward Kyeyago ran to court to overturn Nabeta’s victory in the
October 19, 2021

13 Rebel Collaborators Arrested Over Subversive Activities

Joint Security Task Teams, actively involved in countering all acts of subversive behavior, conducted three separate operations in Njeru Municipality, in Buikwe district, as well as in Zombo and Kasese districts respectively, where a total of 13 suspected rebel collaborators were arrested.
October 19, 2021
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