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2021 - Page 144


New Bill To Trim Powers of BoU Governor, Deputy Scrutinized

Michael Maranga Mawanda the Igara East legislator has presented  Constitutional Amendments Bill 2020 on the leadership composition at the Bank of Uganda (BoU). Mawanda’s bill comes after reports from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State
February 26, 2021

Armed Robbers Kill Entebbe Mobile Money Agent

Police at Entebbe are investigating a case of aggravated robbery and murder of one Nambi Bogiya, 30, a mobile money operator at Nalugala. The heinous act happened on Wednesday night at around 9pm few metres from her rented house in Nalugala Katabi
February 25, 2021

MPs Want UPDF Soldiers Chased From Parliament

The debate on the Constitution Amendment Bill 2019 has continued with a section of Members of Parliament speaking against the presence of the Uganda People’s Defense Force (UPDF) representatives in Parliament. UPDF forms part of the interest groups represented in Parliament, the
February 25, 2021

60 Notorious Criminals Arrested With UPDF Uniform

Police and Military in an intelligence-led joint operation have arrested more sixty deadly suspects who have been terrorising Kampala city dwellers. The operation was in Kakajjo Zone in Kisenyi II Parish, Kampala Central Division, Kampala Capital City. According to deputy Kampala Metropolitan
February 23, 2021
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