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October 2023 - Page 3

 M7 Orders UPDF To Engage Police,Locals To Fight ADF Rebels

President Yoweri Museveni has directed the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) to involve the police and the Wananchi in the hunt for criminal elements of the Allied Democratic Force (rebels) terrorizing Ugandans. The President, who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the UPDF,
October 23, 2023

MPs Call For More Judicial Reforms To Address Case Backlog

The Public Accounts Committee (Central Government) has called for more judicial reforms to ensure timely dispensation of justice. The Committee in its report on the Auditor General’s report on the Justice, Law, and Order sector for the Financial Year 2021/2022, presented by
October 23, 2023

MPs Direct ULC To Give NARO Own Land Title

Members of Parliament (MPs) have approved a recommendation directing the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) to have a land title under its name and not Uganda Land Commission (ULC). The recommendation is contained in the report of the Committee on Commissions, Statutory
October 19, 2023

COSASE Faults NLGRB For Failing To Register Gaming & Betting Machines

The Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) has cautioned the National Lotteries and Gaming Regulatory Board (NLGRB) for failing to prepare a national register of gaming and betting machines. Section 36 of the Lotteries and Gaming Act, 2015 provides
October 19, 2023

Prison Warders Train Military Police Soldiers On Handling Prisoners

The commandant Military Police, Brigadier General William Bainomugisha has appreciated the Uganda Prisons Academy for training soldiers of Military Police in Prisoners Handling. Brig Gen Bainomugisha speaking at the Uganda Prisons Headquarters, Luzira during the pass out of 184 Military Police soldiers
October 19, 2023
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