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2023 - Page 9

Moses Banja Consecrated Sixth Bishop of Namirembe Diocese

Rt. Rev. Moses Banja has been consecrated and enthroned as the sixth bishop of Namirembe Diocese. Banja replaces Bishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira, who reached the mandatory retirement age. The celebrations on Sunday kicked off with the rhythmic beats of ceremonial drumming, announcing
December 11, 2023

The Blu3 Reunion Show Announced

A show that will bring Lilian Mbabazi, Cindy Sanyu and Jackie Chandiru on the same stage again is set for Thursday, December 14. Mbabazi had hinted at the possibility of the former Blu*3 members working on the same project again in 2022. On
December 6, 2023

Parliament Scrutinises Sh3.5 trillion Supplementary Budget

The Budget Committee of Parliament has started scrutinizing the sh3.5 trillion supplementary budget aimed at financing key infrastructure projects for the Financial Year – FY 2022/2023. According to the supplementary budget framework paper presented to the Committee by Henry Musasizi, the Minister
December 6, 2023
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