Dr Eunice Otuko Is The Best Candidate-NRM Chairman Endorses Her In Oyam North By Election


The UPC Candidate for Oyam North by-election Dr. Eunice Otuko Apio continues to receive massive support in the Constituency from the camps of her opponents, especially NRM.

On Saturday 1st July 2023, the LC 2 Chairman of Atekober Parish in Acaba Sub County Mr. Atim Nyonyi on NRM ticket who has been on the campaign trail of NRM Candidate Samuel Engola Junior joined the UPC camp at the rally held at Apurukec Village, endorsed Dr. Eunice and started campaigning for her. Mr. Atim Nyonyi said that most of the electorates were chanting Dr. Eunice in all the Sub Counties they traversed seeking votes. According to Mr. Atim, Dr. Eunice is an able leader and there’s no doubt she will effectively represent the people of Oyam North in Parliament.

This was in the Presence of the Party President Hon. Jimmy Akena who’s leading the campaign trail for the UPC candidate in the company of Hon. Nelson Lemba MP Apac North, Regional Vice Chairperson of Lango Mr. Chris Ongom, former UPC Candidate for Apac District Woman MP Hon. Suzan Achola Engola, UPC Chairman of Apac District, former LC V Chairperson of Oyam Hon. Adea Nelson and local branch leaders among others