Block 7

Big Story: Parliament Probes UETCL Bosses Over Corruption, Mismanagement & Controversial UGX 28Billion Compensation Deal

Members of Parliament on the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources are probing allegations of mismanagement and corruption at Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd (UETCL). While interfacing with the board members of UETCL on Thursday, 17 March 2022, the Committee Chairperson, Hon. Emmanuel Otaala expressed concern about the mismanagement of the company resulting from a…

Big Story: IGG Probes Over Shs1bn Ubos Fraud

The Inspector General of Government (IGG) is investigating top officials at the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (Ubos) over alleged fraud of more than Shs2b spent in ghost activities. By presstime, Dr Chris Mukiza, the Ubos executive director, had declined to discuss the matter, referring all inquiries to the Ombudsman. However, Sources privy to the investigations…

EXPLOSIVE: How Speaker Kadaga & Confidant Hon. Okupa Spent Over US $764,000 (Shs2.8 BN) In-less Than 2 Years In Travels Abroad

Since taking office as Deputy Speaker of Parliament way back in 2001 (20 years ago in May 2021), Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga has created one of the most secretive but powerful political hegemony within the NRM environs in modern Uganda’s Political history. It’s hard to tell how much the legendary Woman Member of Parliament…

Amnesty International Joins Push To Free Presidential Runner Robert Kyagulanyi

The Ugandan authorities must immediately lift the police and military siege of opposition leader Robert Kyagulanyi’s home and release him and his wife Barbara Itungo Amnesty International said as the post-election blockade entered its 7th day. Robert Kyagulanyi, also known as Bobi Wine was declared runner-up by the Electoral Commission in last week’s presidential election,…

Big Story: How KCCA Officials Messed Up Youth Fund Programs, Stole Billions of Gov’t Funds In Shoddy Deals

Kampala: If there is any government Authority that frustrating President Yoweri Museveni’s fight against corruption, then it is the City Hall based Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), because investigators indicate that officials there are involved in gross abuse of government funds and tax payers’ money. This is because officials at KCCA not only embezzled funds…

Just In! Energy Mafias Rock Parliament As Patriotic Young Turks Question AIGP Akullo’s Involvement In Min. Energy Corruption

Panic has rocked Parliament as renowned Parliamentarian and Lawyer Hon. Paul Akamba an Independent legislator representing Busiki County, in Namutumba District wrote to the Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga disowning his own signature as a seconder of a motion that was to be moved on the floor of Parliament on Tuesday 26th May…

Energy Mafias Debunked Part III: How Werikhe, Turyagyenda Corruptly Swindled Shs15 Bn For 3 Electricity Distribution Projects In Acholi, Bunyoro & Kiruhura

FUNDING THE COUP THROUGH ENERGY AND MINERALS CORRUPTION By the Capital Times Investigative Unit In part 3 of the Energy Mafias series, we analyse what some would believe is the biggest conspiracy under the NRM Government by bringing to you the modus operandi of the invisible cartel commandeered by former PS Kabagambe Kallisa and has also…

Just In: Top Energy Officials Fired On Presidential Orders Over Massive Theft Of Electricity Distribution Funds

By Our Reporter Kampala: Two senior officials of Rural Electrification Agency (REA) have FINALLY been interdicted with immediate effect on orders from the President, His Excellency General Yoweri K. Museveni through the Energy Minister, Hon. Dr. Mary Goretti Kituttu (PhD). According our reliable sources, the President has been frustrated by the Minister and her Permanent…

Security Sets Tough Guidelines Ahead of Martyrs Day Due To Terror Alerts

Ugandan security agencies have put up strict conditions at three different venues that pilgrims are expected to gather, among them  include Namugongo Catholic Martyrs shrine, Anglican Martyrs Shrine Namugongo and Mamiree. According to the church representatives, millions of people are expected to grace the event from all over of the world. As security, after receiving intelligence…

Prof Nsibambi to Be Buried On Tuesday

Fallen former Prime minister of Uganda Prof Apollo Nsibambi will be buried on Tuesday next week according to government. On Friday morning at 10:00am, members of parliament paid last respects to the body of Late Prof.Nsibambi   . While eulogizing the statesman, the speaker of parliament Rt.Hon.Rebecca Kadaga who chaired the special seating told law makers…

DP President Nobert Mao Divorces Over cruelty

Justice Godfrey Namundi of High court family division has officially dissolved the marriage of Democratic Party President Nobert Mao. Former Gulu district Chairman Mao has been married to Naomi Achieng Odongo for over 14 years but when family misunderstandings went out of hand, the two rushed to court to determine their fate. On the…

Fresh Bududa Mudslides Kill Residents

Uganda Red Cross and officials from office of the prime minister have begun an operation to retrieve uncounted number of people who are stuck and others died in the mudslides that ravaged Bududa district on Tuesday night. Local authorities say that so far four people have died and thousands are misplaced after heavy rains hit…

Us Envoy Lauds Cooperation with UPDF

The US special Envoy for Africa’s Great Lakes Region (GLR) Dr. Peter Pham has lauded the close cooperation between UPDF and the US government. He said this while meeting the Deputy Chief of Defence Forces Lt Gen Wilson Mbadi at the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs headquarters in Mbuya, Kampala. Dr. Peter Pham…

Late Kayiira To Receive a Medal on Heroes Day

Min.Esther Mbayo Uganda will on June 9th 2019 celebrate the 30th Heroes’Day anniversary, an annual event to pay tribute to people who exemplified and defended the highest values of patriotism and sacrifice for the wellbeing of the country and its citizens. Among others, heroic values to be celebrated include proven integrity, patriotism and sacrifice,…

PM Dr Rugunda : We Must Clean Up Rusty Govt Officials

some of government officials at Kololo Airstrip exhibiting different products and services The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda Rt.Hon Ruhakana Rugunda has opened a three day (3-day) service excellence exhibition week highlighting the different sectors of government expenditure in the 2018/19 National budget at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds in Kampala. The Ministry of Defence…

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