Breaking News

Enjoy The Ride! Free Condoms To Be Distributed At Doorsteps

The United Nations Population Fund formerly the United Nations Fund for Population Activities – UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency and ride-hailing company SafeBoda have today launched an e-Shop that will enable users in Kampala and Wakiso districts to order and receive reproductive health commodities at their doorsteps. The “Personal Health Shop,” is…


Buganda’s Lukiiko Approves UGX109.7Bn Budget

Buganda’s Lukiiko has approved a budget of Shillings 109.7 billion to support different Kingdom activities in the 2020/2021 financial year. The budget presented on Monday afternoon by the Kingdom Finance Minister, Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa is Shillings 13 billion less compared to the current financial year budget. According to Nsibirwa, they considered a lower budget since…

Here Is How Cannabis Growing Can Create Over 6200 Jobs In One Year, Transform Uganda Into Middle Income State

Marijuana is a lucrative business – or at least, it could be if allowed to flourish within a favorable legal climate. If legalized at all levels, cannabis has the potential to generate billions in revenue, provide millions of jobs, and save billions of dollars on law enforcement something that could see Uganda’s economy transforming within…

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