Browsing: Government of Uganda

Energy Mafias Debunked Part I: Billions Swindled, Min. Of Energy Stuck With The Untouchable REA Mafias

By the Capital Times Investigative Unit Two key officials of the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) under the Ministry of Energy have deceitfully kept themselves in their offices despite being found guilty of causing serious financial losses to the Agency over the past several years. An investigation report by the Office of the Inspectorate of Government…

Gov’t Defies Kadaga’s Order On Distribution Of Covid-19 Relief Food In Kampala,Wakiso Districts

The government of Uganda has defied parliament’s directive to blocking the distribution of relief food to people around Kampala and Wakiso districts. In the Thursday Parliamentary sitting, both Speaker Rebecca Kadaga and lawmakers raised issue that there was a need for government to consider all parts of the country. Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda’s attempts to…

Coronavirus: Why Uganda Gov’t Must Subsidize Fourth Estate To Succeed In Fight Against The Pandemic

Media fraternity have proposed ways through which the fourth estate can keep operational as Uganda comes to terms with the global Covid19 pandemic. In relation, a state rests on four pillars for it to armpit several anniversaries; Executive,Judiciary, Legislature and the Fourth Estate-Media. However, due to COVID-19, the media, as all other businesses, will be…

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