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Parliament Of Uganda - Page 10

Opinion: The Rise, Crush & Fall Of Hon Kadaga

By Mbabazi Hanning Gonzaga In the land of bonanzas, the Pearl of Africa where wonders never cease, a poor powerless woman crosses the red line by attempting to confront the Sabalwanyi of Uganda, Gen Yoweri Museveni. The poor woman who knows no
May 14, 2020

You’re Crossing The Limits – Museveni Warns Kadaga

President Yoweri Museveni is uncomfortable with the way MPs decided to apportion to themselves part of the supplementary budget meant for the covid19 fight. Museveni in an April 28 letter to the Speaker of Parliament expressed that MPs were trying to challenge
May 13, 2020

The 10th Parliament’s Motion Of Infamy

By David Mafabi Last Thursday, the Parliament of Uganda passed a so-called “Motion of Displeasure” directed at the President of Uganda for, amongst other things “making disparaging remarks against the Speaker and the Parliament of Uganda”! Another charge was, to paraphrase, disregarding
May 9, 2020
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