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Paul Mwiru

High Court Dustbins Mwiru’s Election Petition Against Nabeta

Jinja High Court has dismissed with costs an election petition filed by Alliance for National Transformation candidate Paul Mwiru challenging the victory of NRM’s Igeme Nathan Nabeta. Mwiru through his lawyer Edward Kyeyago ran to court to overturn Nabeta’s victory in the
October 19, 2021

Big Fish: Mps Karuhanga,Mwiru Join Muntu’s ANT

Two members of Parliament  Hon. Gerald Karuhanga (Ntungamo Municipality) and Mr Paul Mwiru (Jinja East) have joined the Opposition Alliance for National Transformation, led by former FDC President Maj Gen Mugisha Muntu. Lawmaker Gerald Karuhanga joined parliament as an independent while Mr
July 7, 2020