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September 26, 2020

MPs Reject Construction Of Power Dam At Murchison Falls

Members of parliament have rejected government’s proposal to conduct a feasibility study, a precursor for the construction of a 360 MW hydropower dam at Murchison Falls National Park. Parliament’s position follows its recent inquiry that has unearthed the plan as a national
September 26, 2020

Lawmakers Demand Govt NationWide Testing Of Covid-19

Following a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases country wide, Parliament has called on government to swiftly implement mass testing for Covid-19, to avoid a more disastrous phase as has been observed in other countries. Legislators said the fact that the infection rate
September 26, 2020

Fake Police Social Media Perpetrators Arrested

Police Electronic counter measures squad arrested two people who have been operating fake police Twitter and Facebook accounts posting all sorts of misinformation to redicule the force’s image. The two; Mugerwa Calvin and Ochan Allan from Kitebi and Nabweru respectively are being
September 26, 2020

MPs Task Govt Emergency Response After Makerere Fire Outbreak

Members of Parliament have tasked Government to improve the capacity to address disasters especially in light of the recent fire that gutted Makerere University’s 79-year-old iconic main administration building, also known as the Ivory Tower. Speaker Rebecca Kadaga told the House during
September 26, 2020

Just In! Former Kampala Mayor Nasser Ntege Ssebagala Is Dead

Former Kampala City Council Mayor Alhajji Nasser Ntege Ssebagala has passed on. Ssebagala has been ill for the past three weeks. He has also been a Presidential Advisor. Ssebagala also contested for Presidency before being disqualified for lack of requisite academic qualifications.
September 26, 2020

Just In: Former Kampala Mayor Ssebaggala Passes On

Former Kampala city mayor Hajji Nasser Ntege Ssebaggala has passed on. AlHajji Ssebagala died at International Hospital Kampala where he had been diagnosed after he developed a disorder in his stomach, medically Known as intussusception. More details to follow.
September 26, 2020