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2020 - Page 190

South Africa Airways To Cancel Flights To Entebbe

The joint Business Rescue Practitioners (BRPs) of South African Airways (SAA) has announced further initiatives to support the airline’s transformation into a sustainable and profitable business. The BRPs, Les Matuson and Siviwe Dongwana, have worked closely with key stakeholders including industry specialists,
February 8, 2020

Kadaga Sends Back Chris Obore Into A Forced Leave

The clerk to parliament Jane Kibirige has extended indefinitely the forced leave of parliament’s director of communications and public affairs Chris Obore. Obore’s trouble with parliament started in March 2019 when Kibirige notified him that the Inspectorate of Government (IG) had conducted investigations
February 8, 2020

Just In! UCC Boss Mutabazi Vacates Office

The 10 year tenure of Mr. Godfrey Mutabazi as the Executive Director of the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) has on Friday February 7,2019 come to an end. The no-nonsense Mutabazi who joined UCC in 2010 has been replaced by Engineer Irene Kaggwa
February 7, 2020
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