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July 2021 - Page 3

Disgruntled: Kibalama Runs To Byabakama Dissolve NUP Leadership

National Unity Platform(NUP) founder Moses Nkonge Kibalama has written to the Electoral Commission  to dissolve current  leadership of the party. Through lawyers of Mugabi Shyana and company advocates , Kibalama and  Paul Kagombe, both founding members of NUP have written a letter
July 27, 2021

6 Arrested For Stealing American Company Property

A team of detectives  from special investigations Department (SID) in close coordination with  Police at Katwe and Nakulabye, and a technical team from ATC, conducted several cordon and search operations in the areas of Katwe Clock Tower and Nabulagala Zone in Nakulabye
July 27, 2021

Rukiga District FDC Party Chairman Defects To NRM

Medard Ensinikweri, the incumbent opposition Forum for Democratic Change-FDC party chairperson for Rukiga district has defected to the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party. Ensinikweri handed over the FDC party card and t-shirt to Twaha Selubowa Yalyakumanyi, Rukiga district NRM party returning
July 26, 2021

UNEB To Release 2020 UCE Results On Friday

The results of the 2020 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) will be out on Friday, the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) together with the Ministry of Education and Sports has announced. The Education Spokesperson Patrick Muinda said the Uganda National Examinations Board will
July 26, 2021

Gov’t Dragged To Court Over Vehicle Tracking Deal

The government of Uganda on Friday, July 23, 2021, signed a 10-year agreement with Joint Stock Company Global Security, a Russian firm for the implementation of the intelligent transport monitoring system, a deal that will ensure all vehicles, motorcycles and boats installed
July 26, 2021

MP Kakooza Wins EALA Seat Unopposed

Members of Parliament have elected Hon James Kakooza to represent  Uganda in East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) after he got 183 votes with no MPs voting against or abstaining. Kakooza, the elected member, replaces the late Hon Mathias Kasamba at the regional
July 26, 2021
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