Justice Godfrey Namundi of High court family division has officially dissolved the marriage of Democratic Party President Nobert Mao.
Former Gulu district Chairman Mao has been married to Naomi Achieng Odongo for over 14 years but when family misunderstandings went out of hand, the two rushed to court to determine their fate.
On the document released by high court on 27th May, Justice Namundi Godfrey ruled that the couple’s marriage had reached at the level where it couldn’t be redeemed.
Ms.Odongo rushed to court accusing Mao of cruelty, violence, desertion of their marriage home and denying her conjugal rights.

The two went for mediation on the advice of court but didn’t yield anything as each party took a separate way.
Justice Namundi ruled that decree Nisi is hereby entered dissolving the marriage between the petitioner (Naomi) and the respondent (Mao),”
His worship Justice Namundi based on the grounds that both parties want a divorce and their marriage cannot be redeemed.
“Looking at the facts of this case in totality and evidence of the petitioner (Naomi Odongo), it is evident that the marriage is irretrievably broken down.

The judge ruled that Mao shall continue occupying the property compromised in Plot 58 Valley Drive, located at Minister’s Village Ntinda with the children for a period of three years.