EXPOSED! Muyenga Tycoon’s Maid Cited In Land Wrangle


In recent days, Muyenga, Y2K Zone a push Kampala suburb, has been in the news of residents fighting for an access road.

This website has since established the person who has been at the forefront of the fight claiming to own property is actually a housemaid of one Mzeei Bibangamba of Panorama.

What We Know So Far

Genesis started when one neighbour in the name of Hassan Alui put a container in his (Isaac’s) land with the intention of grabbing it. The matter was reported to police and the container was removed as an exhibit.

When asked who the owner of the container was, Immaculate Ayebazibwe who has since made herself the microphone of the village kept saying the container belonged to her and one Ezra but on the other hand, Alui went to Kabalagala Police Station, recorded a statement and accepted that it was him who had put the container and it belonged to him.

It was from this evidence that police invited her to record a statement but didn’t show up. She, however, kept on abusing the IO and visiting different media houses saying that she had a court order but residents wonder why she disappears whenever challenged to show documents.

Upon, realizing that, Isaac decided to redevelop his land starting with aligning the access road.

He agreed with other neighbours to extend the access road to the boundary so that he could be able to develop his plot and at the same time create enough space for the road.

However, although neighbours welcomed the access road alignment, and were all willing to work together to construct the access road, one Immaculate whose intentions are not known up to today continues going to different offices reporting on how the road has been blocked but everyone wonders how she drives from her home to go to such offices.

Meanwhile, we have since established that all efforts to block Isaac from developing his property did not yield any fruits.

Among the offices she petitioned is Kampala Capital City Authority KCCA Physical Planning Department which has since visited the locus and found that her claims are not genuine as she doesn’t possess any single property in Muyenga prompting to understand that she was a maid at Bibangamba’s house.

She even went on to put a caveat and as far as filing a complaint with Kampala Capital City Authority and the NWSC, which both sent technical experts to the land under dispute, to establish the actual source of conflict and how to amicably solve it, without disenfranchising all the parties involved.

KCCA and NWSC Officials at the scene to establish the actual source of conflict and how to amicably solve it, without disenfranchising all the parties involved. (Credit: NTV)

What She Demands

In her funny demands, she keeps talking of cancellation of the land title not giving a single reason why the title should be revoked yet providing an alternative access road is provided for in the law.

In her last kicks of a dying horse, she ran back to the new RDC to stop Isaac from realigning the access road after seeing the material on the ground forgetting that the former RCC a one Mrs Doreen Keita directed the physical planning of Makindye clearly identify where the access road passes and the demarcations of the plot, an issue that was handled in public, in presence of local leaders and in her presence as well.

Different sources in Muyenga have since revealed that Immaculate is actually a mere crook being used to fight individuals from developing their piece of land.

Not New To Controversy;

We have learnt that Immaculate has a tendency to threaten Ugandans she intends to take advantage of by boasting about how she is highly connected to directors at the Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID), claiming that whoever doesn’t kowtow to her demands will get arrested within a flash if she makes a phone call to one of the CID directors.

Before that, she was also cited in Kansanga fighting with businessman Drake Lubega, who had bailed Bibangamba from money lenders.

It should, however, be noted that Immaculate was recently seen at ABSA Bank with the ailing Mzee Bibangamba who has been bedridden for some time trying to demand money she doesn’t know about.

Sources say she thought she could quickly get free money from the bank without the family knowing.

But when contacted, the family of Bibangamba said they are the ones with the powers of attorney and are taking care of their father and were surprised to see her at the bank with their parent.

The neighbours also revealed to this website that she has a habit of wetting the beaks of journalists from top media houses especially Bukedde, UBC and the entire Vision Group in Kampala to publish stories that favour and paint a good image about her as a vulnerable person to the detriment of her victims.


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