Just In! Energy Mafias Rock Parliament As Patriotic Young Turks Question AIGP Akullo’s Involvement In Min. Energy Corruption

Panic has rocked Parliament as renowned Parliamentarian and Lawyer Hon. Paul Akamba an Independent legislator representing Busiki County, in Namutumba District wrote to the Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga disowning his own signature as a seconder of a motion that was to be moved on the floor of Parliament on Tuesday 26th May 2020.

The young NRM patriotic MPs, most of whom are said to have come from an Independent minded background in the 10th Parliament are said to have questioned the corrupt acts within the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development which have seen the public question the competence of the current Minister Hon. Dr. Mary Gorretti Kituttu who is said to have asked the Director of Crimininal Investigations Directorate, AIGP Grace Akullo to delay the arrest of the two Rural Electrification Agency officials – Mr. Godfrey Khaukha Werikhe (the Deputy Executive Director in charge of Technical Operations) and Mr. John Abouf Turyagyenda (Manager, Projects Design and Management).

The two officials where pinned in an investigation that was supervised by HE the President of Uganda, Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni after having been found highly involved in massive extortion and cause of loss of Public finances through the use of substandard equipment in the construction of the electricity distribution grid.

Information obtained from the halls of Parliament indicates that many MPs are very upset with the way Senior officials of police led by AIGP Akullo are sabotaging the Presidential efforts to clean the Government from corrupt individuals. The President is said to have been very upset with the energy ministry which has superintended over consistent losses knowingly over the last five years using the two officials of REA.

Motion for Parliament to adopt the president’s directives on REA

As the heat was turned on the two individuals by the President and other investigating agencies such as ISO, IGG and SFC, a number of Parliamentarians led by Hon. Anita Among and Hon. Cosmas Elotu, the owner of the C&G Andjiers, the company that is said to have been used to supply substandard poles mobilised to protect the corrupt individuals by paying money for MPs to use the tribal and regional card claiming that Werikhe is being witch-hunted because of his Bugisu connections.

This did not hold as a number of MPs have stood up to show the ugly state of electricity distribution in their constituencies as most of them have either poles standing without any electricity or commissioned lines with rotten poles on the ground.

The MPs led by Hon. Gideon Onyango of Samia Bugwe County North, Busia District, Hon. Odonga Otto of Aruu County Constituency Pader District and Hon. Jacklet Atuhaire Rwabukurukuru, the Woman MP of Sheema District are said to have questioned to the fact that Parliament should cease from being used for a clearing ground for keystone Government programs that end up not being implemented. These and many other MPs contend to the fact that they have seen various electricity schemes in their constituencies spend years without being implemented and being tossed around by officials of REA led by Mr. John Turyagyenda who has been in charge of implementation of schemes.

Very many MPs have examples of poles and lines have fallen and caused permanent blackouts in their areas.

The NRM leaning MPs are said to have insisted on having the Presidential Directive to the CID implemented if this country is to meet its targets rather than protecting individuals that have stripped the economy of any sensible interventions in the name of individual wealth accumulation.

The MP also question the consistent failure to prosecute any cases involving the two officials – Mr. Werikhe and Mr. Turyagyenda by the CID led by AIGP Grace Akullo.  

The MPs thus mobilised fellow young representatives in the name of protecting the future of their country, but this did not go down well with Hon. Anita Amongi and team who are said to have thus started distributing millions of shillings to any of the members willing to defend their call and key among those suspected to have received the payments are Hon. Paul Akamba who was given 20 Million Shillings and immediately authored a letter denying his signature, and Hon. James Waluswaka of Bunyole West County, Butaleja District.

This Website has learnt that other MPs such as Hon. Nelson Lufafa of Butembe County, Jinja District are said to have refused the money offered by this team and stuck to his ground that justice has to be seen to be done or else a vote of no-confidence should be even expanded to the Ministers of Energy – Hon. Kituttu and Hon. Eng. Simon D’Ujang who have been seen to be complicit in all the illegal actions leading to the protection of the charged officials.

Some MPs disown their signatures after pocketing shanks of money

In a telephone conversation with Hon. Jacklet Atuhaire of Sheema refuted allegations of distributing money to legislators and noted that.. “I did not distribute any money to anyone, however support the President HE for coming strong on corruption, this vice has to be fought by everyone,” She Said.

Jacklet added that fighting corruption should be a collective effort, “I’m surprised to see fellow leaders protecting the people that have failed to give electricity to their respective constituencies, corruption has paralysed development in the country and energy sector through maintaining a quality electricity distribution grid is the foundation for affordable industrialisation, most especially cottage industries. So corrupt individuals and those conniving with them are enemies of development and hindrance to Uganda attaining a middle income status and achieving NRM manifesto quickly,” she added.

Also Hon. Keefa Kiwanuka, the Chairperson of the Natural Resources Committee stated that “this mess in the Ministry of Energy has been ongoing unchecked for quite a long time. He stated that the vice of corruption can only be reduced if the top administration of the Ministry is aligned to the vision of the NRM Party and implemented without fail. He expressed his worries on the threat to the national security as a result of protecting individuals who have been found guilty by numerous independent investigating agencies of government.

Hon. Kiwanuka was quick to note that very many constituencies have suffered from unexplained lack of electricity although the answer is right in front of them – the immediate interdiction of those who have been found guilty. This issue has no tribal or religion aspect to it but simply equity and justice is the answer if Ugandans are to benefit.”

Our reporter has identified this morning that Hon. Onyango has also responded to the allegations of Hon. Akamba by counter petitioning the Speaker and willingness to adduce further evidence of the presence of the colleague.

There are reports that a number of MPs have been involved in the Energy issues by having their companies such as Tetra Technical Services, CMT Engineering Ltd which is said to belong to Hon. Akamba involved in various underhand deals across the country. Here, the Manager Mr. John Turyagyenda and Mr. Godfrey Werikhe his supervisor are said to have distributed various deals to a number of MPs as a way of buying their support.



  1. On the issue of CORRUPT ACTIONS in the Ministry of Electricty in Uganda, the question is that;
    1. Why is it that Parliamentarians are eager at this time to move a montion adopting the resolution of the directive of the President on REA?

    2. Is it necessary?
    3. Isn’t someone trying to divert the public from the real core of quagmire in the Ministry of Energy?

    4. Why do you mention the current Minister of Energy Hon. Dr Mary Kitutu, who was not in the office when the scandal of embezzlement of public funds in her Ministry took place in REA?

    5. Why don’t you mention the Minister who was in office of the Ministry of Energy then?

    6. What if the current Hon. Dr Mary Kitutu in her own quickest independent and intelligent wise investigations in the shortest few months period of time she has just been in office discovered that there is need for the two(2) (Welike and Turyangenda) to remain in office for her to arrive at the best information which she needs to make informed decisions in her Ministry?

    7. Why wouldn’t you want her to put on hold the arrest of the two, and she also satisfys herself with the fact that the mentioned culprits were indeed the real ones who committed crimes of corruption in the Ministry? What if someone is just using the name of the President to mistreat others to cover up some? The Minister was right in her own judgement as a minister, but if you find it necessary to disrespect her request to the CID, then go ahead and arrest the two based on your own investigations, but don’t implicate her in the scandals which you and I know very well happened before she came in that Ministry. Otherwise Bagisu look at it as an act of mistreating their own for misdeeds of others above their own.

  2. Hahaha. This is the minister trying to cover her behindings. Can someone please fire, arrest and charge them all, and appoint fresh people with utmost integrity