City businessman Desh Kananura’s marriage is soon hitting the dead end after being accused of allegedly turning his wife Sheila Taratibu into a punching bag of sorts, because he clobbers her whenever and wherever he feels like.
The shocking revelation was made by Desh’s brother-in-law Emmy Kwizera Taratibu, who assured him to stop brutalising his sister.The saga came after Kwizera wrote a lengthy post in one of the WhatsApp groups which is composed of family members, Desh inclusive, demanding that Desh should stop beating his wife like a drum.

Kwizera’s post reads thus;”Andrew Desh Kananura you are the brother I admired till this day. Please STOP beating my sister and traumatizing her children. Enough is enough. I have decided to put my foot down. My sister was raises with loving parents and loving siblings. She doesn’t need to be treated this way. The next time you want to lay a hand on a woman, find me here at Panamera, I’m waiting for you. Bring all your guns you claim you have in your closet. But enough is enough.

My sister and family have loved you from day one but this is not how you treat us. PERIOD. Enough is enough. NO man is allowed to beat a woman. I am ready to go to the grave for this. Thank you for banning my access to my nieces and nephew. But blood is thicker than water; they will always be my blood. I ain’t scared of anything. I love my sister and the kids and I won’t allow you to mess up their future. You know where to find me…Panamera Parking Lot!”However, our efforts to contact Desh to shed light on Kwizera’s allegations were futile because he couldn’t be readily got on phone.
But it should be noted that Desh and Sheila got wed at a colourful ceremony that was held at the All Saints Church in Nakasero in 2014.He later hosted guests to a lavish banquet at the Lake Victoria Serena Hotel, after which he flew her to the Maldives for a romantic honeymoon It is not yet clear what turned their once bed of roses into a bed of thorns.