Over 6 employees of Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA)’s reservation and booking section have been suspended over alleged fraudulent practices.
TheCapitaltimes has established that majority of the culprits, ironically, are ladies and according to a credible source inside UWA insiders, the alledged culprits will be investigated (while on suspension) for conniving with private tour operators to promote “illegal tracking.”
“Some could in the end be prosecuted because the actions they are alleged to have committed are prohibited in law and therefore attract criminal sanctioning,” said a credible source.
Added that the affected staff have quite often been using unauthorized receipts to generate multiple permits bearing similar serial numbers and, in the process, occasioning financial loss to the government while criminally enriching themselves.

This strangely is the 2nd time such suspension has been occasioned by the UWA top management over similar improper practices.
During the end of year top leadership retreat held (on December 30th & 31st ) at Protea Hotel in Entebbe, UWA ED Samuel Mwanda had the opportunity to defend these suspensions as justified and during the same meeting, the top management decision to occasion a reshuffle (ostensibly aimed at enhancing efficiency while diminishing potential for staff to abuse their respective positions) was equally ratified resulting into close to 100 employees been redeployed to different stations (as seen in the lists below).
Some of the employees who have been affected in the latest changes at UWA