Pressure group People Power coordinator Ronald Mayinja who is inspiring Member of parliament for Gomba MP Seat has unveiled his new pressure group dubbed “Peace for All & All for Peace,” at Calendar Rest house in Makindye Division..
Mayinja, who has been reading Political Science at Makerere, also unveiled his co-Principal Amon Arinaitwe who during the 2016 operated as in influential insider in Amama Mbabazi’s camp. Unlike fellow Poor Youth activists who accessed groceries and decamped, Counsel Arinaitwe (a diehard Museveni since high school days) stayed with JPAM to the end and never defected to denounce Go-Forward under which Amama campaigned.
Mayinja, while corroborating contents of his press release, told reporters he was going to use his music talent to traverse the whole country while recruiting potential peace ambassadors that would preach and practice the same throughout the 2021 general election campaigns widely expected to be much heated and possibly violent.
In the audience was a group of young people that kept wildly cheering Mayinja nearly for every word he uttered. More in the press statement that was distributed at the news conference.

Some have been left wondering which sort of agenda Mayinja has newly acquired that couldn’t agitate for using the PP platform where he already has a position as a coordinator. The best such sceptics can do is to wait and see how the Bizeemu singer’s new thing plays out in the coming days, weeks and months.Credit Mulengera