Victoria University, one of the model institutions of higher learning in Uganda, has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with 16 Chartered Universities in Gujarat State, India, in a bid to undertake student exchange programs.
The MoU was signed on Monday February 17, 2019 and according to officials at Victoria University Kampala, this undertaking will see the Indian Universities cooperate in areas of innovation, E-commerce, research, incubation programs to support starts-ups and technical support to start-ups.

Below is part of the agreement as it reads.
“Victoria University Kampala, Uganda and Gujarat Student Startup and Innovation Hub, Gujarat (India) on the basis of friendly cooperation and mutual enhancement agree to cooperate in the following areas..
1. Both parties agrees to cooperate in organising Open innovation challenge, Hackathons, Bootcamps involving students , innovators and start –ups of Uganda.
2. Cooperate in enabling the start-ups develop E commerce, Digital technology support and mentor them.
3. Organising joint incubation programmes to support starts-ups
Joint efforts to help start ups from Uganda to scale up in Gujarat ecosystem
Technical support to start-ups who wish to leverage infrastructure of I Hub and create value
4. Facilitate collaboration with other start-ups and ecosystem stakeholders in Gujarat

Both parties agree that this Letter of Intent is only a beginning of our friendly collaboration.
Details and specific collaborative agreements will be pursued by future discussions.” MoU reads.

Commenting about this great development, Victoria University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Krishna N. Sharma, said Gujarat State has got 70 Universities but government chose only the top 16 to visit the fast growing Victoria University.
Prof. Sharma said that; “We had two categories of collaboration; one with the Ministry of Education where we have a collaboration called I-Hub or innovation Hub.
So we have signed an intent of collaboration where we are going to do joint innovations, joint research and sharing resources etc.”

He added that; “We are going to sign more MoUs with other universities. We have special scholarships for Victoria students and alumni. In other areas we are to explore opportunities to do joint research, joint publications, exchange of staff and students.”
Although the list is long, some of the Universities Victoria University has already entered into MoUs with include GANAPAT University, MARWADI University and Sankalch and Patel University.
The development came after a delegation of officials from Ministry of Education and Gujarati India, visited Victoria University on Monday, where they signed the Letters of Intent.
The delegation included; Vibhavariben Dave, Minister of State for Education Department, Government of Gujarat, Anju Sharma IAS, Principal Secretary (education) Government of Gujarat, High commissioner, Indian Embassy, Vice Chancellor, Dr Himanshu Pandya, Paresh Dave, Joint Director-of technical education, Rajesh Patel, Representative of Marwadi University (Lead University) and other 10 representatives from India.