The Electoral Commission (EC) has allowed former minister for security Lt. Gen. (rtd.) Henry Tumukunde to carry out consultations for his presidential bid.
In a March 4th letter signed by EC Chairman Justice Simon Byabakama, Gen. Tumukunde has been advised to go and do town hall consultations and meetings with his supporters with out doing open rally campaigns.
“we wish to point out that consultations ought to be distinguished from campaigns which take the form of distributing materials, campaigns, holding rallies and meetings and canvassing/soliciting for votes envisaged under Sections 21 and 24 of the Presidential Elections Act, 2005,” Byabakama Said.
EC Boss added“ consultation means an exchange of views in an attempt to reach a decision. Accordingly, the identified venue, mode and manner of the consultative meeting ought to facilitate the exchange of views between the aspirant and those being consulted.”

Electoral Commission pointed out the Presidential Elections Act, which among others, requires contenders to notify the relevant local council and the police of the area where one intends to go the consultations.
Section 3 of the Presidential Elections Act 2005 (1), (2) and (3) states: “An aspirant may consult in preparation for his or her nomination as a presidential candidate within 12 months before nomination date.”
It also stipulates, “While consulting, a presidential aspirant may carry out nationwide consultations, prepare his or her manifesto and other campaign materials, raise funds for his or her campaign through lawful means and convene meetings of national delegates.”
“While consulting, the aspirant shall introduce himself or herself to the commission and notify the relevant local council and the police of the area to which he or she goes,” the law says.