Conversely, for the case of Uganda, deadly virus or normalcy, violence in families is unceasing. With the ban on public transport and curfew, business came to halt as the media reported hundreds of traders stranded in different towns with no means to head back home, families stuck home with no food.

The country then saw the impromptu, massive deployment of combined army and Police forces, armed with both guns and batons.

The President, while addressing the country on Tuesday April 14, acknowledged that Uganda was not prepared for a crisis that has killed several people worldwide and announced that Uganda’s lockdown will be extended for anorher 21 days (three weeks).

The 21-day lockdown extension runs till May 5, 2020 as the health professionals work hard to clear the infections in Uganda, as assess the emergency of new cases.

Mr. Museveni said that out of 5,664 persons tested in Uganda, 54 have been found to be positive. As many as 4,015 were returnees – coming back to Uganda from abroad, 1,232 were those who interacted with the returnees (contacts) and 402 were those who had not been in contact with the returnees or travelled out, but because they got some symptoms, they reached out to the health officials to be tested (alert individuals).