Sheema District Woman MP Jacklet Atuhaire has called for God’s intervention and repentance to women who quit their husbands and marriage during Easter holidays for failing to buy them meat and new dresses.
The call follows increased cases of men complaining on how their wives harassly treated them during Easter holidays.
“I have so far received over 60 phone calls from Kasaana, Rugarama and Masheruka Sub-Counties. Men are asking me to talk to their wives who separated from them after failing to provide special Easter meals such as meat, rice and soda,” Hon. Jacklet said.
She added that quitting marriage in this trying time shows how impatient and heartless one can be and shameful . “I don’t expect an old woman to separate from her marriage because of a mere meat especially in these hard times of corona virus where most of the people nolonger earn, remember some of them had vowed to remain faithful and loving even in poverty, sickness and hard times,” Jacklet said.

According to Jacklet, rampant domestic violence is caused by the COVID-19 -19 lock down since couples aren’t used to staying together.
She added that stress caused by social isolation is exacerbating tensions and increasing “the risk of domestic violence.”
“Some women have failed to understand that coronavirus is a war we should fight together, i received a sad call from Kasaana that a woman separated because they didn’t buy her a new dress on Easter, really!? In this situation demanding a new dress?, let us repent and build our families,” Hon. Jacklet urged.
The legislator requested couples to be patient enough with their husbands saying this is the right time for family members to sit together and plan for the future.

She advised parents to join hands and give informal education to their children like how it was done years back. She further requested them to use this chance of rainy season especially those in villages to plant more seeds such that they can get what to feed on tomorrow.