The acting Executive Director Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has directed Departmental heads to review their staff requirements and remain with staff whose services cannot be postponed and can only be delivered at office.
This was revealed in a June, 5, 2020 memo sent to to all staff which reads thus..

This is to inform you that four of our staff have tested positive for COVID 19 and their contacts are currently being traced, for testing and monitoring.
Directors are therefore once again requested to review their staff requirements and remain with only staff whose services cannot be postponed and can only be delivered while at office.
The rest of the staff should work from home, unless called upon, strictly by their respective Director.
Those who are required to report to office should wear a mask and also do the following:-

1) Wash hands at the entrance and at every chance they get;
2) Test for COVID 19 at the City Hall Clinic before reporting to their work stations on Monday, 800 June 2020 and the Director should verify this;
3) Observe the 2 — 4 meters’ social distance in the working Environment;
4) Sanitize hands frequently;
5) Meetings at all KCCA facilities and those organized by KCCA shall strictly adhere to existing MOH and Presidential COVID 19 directives as follows: –
a. Social distancing: At least 2 metre distance;
b. Clean up: Washing hands/use alcohol based sanitizer;
c. Don’t touch sensitive facial parts: eyes, nose and mouth;
d. Screening of participants before the meeting;
e. Meetings should be kept short to minimize laxity;
6) KCCA Staff with any COVID19 related issues can call the following persons for personalized attention: –
a. Mr. John Paul Sajiabi – 0794 660 160
b. Dr. Sarah Zalwango – 0794 661 105
Together we can fight COVID 19.
Eng Andrew M Kitaka
The rise in the number of community cases is a cause of worry according to health ministry officials. Dr Diana Atwine, the permanent secretary says they are worried the disease can easily spread now.
“Spread of the disease is now going to be easy with the more cases we are getting. Someone can easily get in touch in the community and spread the disease,” she said.
The health ministry has previously been concentrating on testing truck drivers to stop the spread of the disease in communities where they normally make stops. However, experts say it was hard to control the movement of drivers because in some cases they provided false information which made tracking them difficult.