Ministry Of Health has confirmed 11 new cases of coronavirus pandemic bringing the total number of infections to 657.
All new confirmed cases are Ugandans, comprising five truck drivers from Malaba in Eastern Uganda and Elegu, in the north. The other six are contacts and alerts from Amuru and Kyotera Districts.
According to the Ministry, all samples of health workers taken on Monday tested negative for COVID-19.
All the COVID-19 cases in the country are spread in 15 regional referral hospitals including Mbale, Masaka, Gulu, Lira and Entebbe among others.
On Monday June 8, 28 contacts of a truck driver who tested positive for COVID-19 in Isingiro District have been discharged.

A Ugandan truck driver from Rwanda through Mirama Hills in Ntungamo District who tested positive was intercepted last month at Kikagate town council, by the health surveillance team.
He was evacuated to Mbarara regional referral hospital for treatment.
His contacts, a family of four and others who loaded his truck were also traced and isolated at Kabahinda Technical Institute isolation centre. The family members were quarantined in their home.
The head of the family however tested positive and currently is admitted at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital.

On Monday, the Isingiro District Health Officer, Dr Edson Tumusherure and members of the district COVID-19 task force discharged the contacts that had spent 14 days in quarantine and had tested negative for COVID-19 more than twice.
Uganda’s coronavirus recoveries have also risen to 118 with no fatality