Nation Media Group, the publishers of Daily Monitor, Saturday Morning, Sunday Monitor, and Enyanda announced a cut iff staff salaries by/up to 30 per cent starting from the month of May, June and July due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
A notice from the management to staff said: “After careful consideration, the Board and Management have therefore taken the hard but necessary decision to propose temporarily salary reductions for the months of May, June and July, 2020.”
This was due to.., “When a nationwide lockdown was announced by Government, with the fast declining income, the company is unable sustain its normal operations.
Below is a full Statement

I hope you are keeping well. As you’re aware, the COVID 19 pandemic has adversely affected every sector of the economy including the media.
You are also aware that our business is heavily reliant on advertising and circulation revenue, both of which have significantly dropped since March.
When a nationwide lockdown was announced by Government, with the fast declining income, the company is unable sustain its normal operations.

We continue to weather the storm although we have had to institute several cost cutting measures in order to remain operational.
Regrettably, we had to suspend publication of Ennyanda.
Our priority at the moment is to save all jobs but at the same time keep the company operational, which presents very tough choices.
After careful consideration, the Board and Management have therefore taken the hard but necessary decision to propose temporarily salary reductions for the months of May, June and July, 2020 as designated below:
Gross Salary (Ushs)
Below Ushs 1 million 0%
Between Ushs 1 — 3 million 10%
Between Ushs 3 — 5 million 15%
Between Ushs 5 — 10 million 20%
Between Ushs 10 — 15 million 25%
Above Ushs 15 million 30%

This is not the first media house to slash salaries due to Covid-19 Pandemic effect, Vision group the publishers of Bukedde and New Vision slashed salaries upto 60%, Sanyu FM Slashed upto 25% and many others.