The 120Bn fraud case filed by Ham Enterprises against Diamond Trust Bank Uganda and Diamond Trust Bank Kenya, continues at the Commercial Division of the High Court. On August 28, 2020, Ham Enterprises through lawyer Fred Muwema filed a preliminary Objection asking the court to dismiss the defendants defense on basis of its illegality background.
The Parties equally submitted joint scheduled memorandum in which they provided the list of their witnesses in the case.
Details about who is going to testify against Diamond Trust Bank Uganda, that equally stands accused by Ham Enterprises of aiding and abetting the fraud and illegalities jointly committed with Diamond Trust Bank Kenya emerged in Court.
Documents filed in a Commercial court by Ham Enterprises show that they believe first that the Officers for Diamond Trust who directly worked on accounts listed in the Fraud Case, have agreed to testify on a voluntary basis.

Ham Enterprises (U) Ltd.’s lawyer Mr. Fred Muwema believes that the bank officials’ testimony will be vital for their case, given the fact that they have voluntarily decided to testify against the dubious bank.
Relevant staff of Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) have expressed their patriotism by coming out as witnesses against the Bank in this Fraud case at Court which is also referred to as a national case by many concerned parties in the business community.
“These witnesses are all present or former employees of the Bank, in which Ham Enterprises and Associates maintained corporate bank accounts from which the bank is alleged to have unlawfully debited and laundered over Ugx 120 billion, accomplished through, among other means, misrepresentations, commands, made by the defendant to the witnesses.” a source disclosed to this website.
The first witness is Tamale Richard, who formerly worked as the Legal Officer and currently the Officer Operations, IDB Department at Diamond Trust Bank Uganda.

The Second witness is Namugga Anati Kayita who served as the Manager Credit Administration.

The third witness is Asiimwe Shirley who served as Officer Credit Administration.

These Witnesses are the officers who were in charge and operation of the unlawfully debited loan accounts in the bank and they are poised to provide relevant and supporting evidence that the bank committed all illegalities on the client’s accounts with instructions from their superior bosses at Diamond Trust Bank. They will be naming Specific Bosses who instructed them to unlawfully debits monies from Ham Enterprises’ Accounts
The bank has started Threatening the Witnesses
We have established that; upon learning that three of its employees would be witnesses against the bank in Court, Diamond Trust started making threats to the staff.
Some are threatened to face dismissal whereas others have already lost their jobs but are equally being threatened to face criminal charges against them.
They have even started fearing for their lives because the bank unlawfully debited a lot of money t from the client’s accounts on “instruction from above” and they have come out to testify.
It is unfair of foreigners to threaten Ugandans for simply standing up for their Country Uganda, as the witnesses claim that it is really unfair and unjust of the banks to take Ugandans and Uganda at large for granted.
We shall keep you updated with developments regarding this case.
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