Kampala Parents School took to online teaching when the government closed schools to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID19), a pandemic that has rattled the world. And after months of conducting lessons using online platforms like social media, zoom, email and other digital tools, the school principal Daphine Kato says that progress has been registered.
“The teachers are in the process of covering the syllabus of their respective classes. Furthermore, our pupils have benefited a great deal from the practical skills like baking and salad making being taught by their teachers,” Kato said in a letter to the parents.
She added: “The school has so far conducted two assessment sessions in a bid to ascertain the level of retention basing on the covered content of the syllabus. I am glad to report that of our learners have portrayed high levels of achievement,”
“We intend to carry out another online assessment session which will be our very last in this year. This will be conducted on Wednesday, 2nd December and Thursday 3rd, December 2020. Online lessons in this year will end on 4th December 2020. More details of the will be communicated in our subsequent circulars,” she revealed.

Meanwhile, the school continues to ‘ensure the safety of all our students and premises. “We’ve increased our regular cleaning schedule throughout the day. All staff is thoroughly and regularly washing their hands throughout shifts and we’ve also placed sanitizers at every entry point for all of us,” the principal said.