Third Division Court Martial (3rd DCM) sitting at the division headquarters in Moroto district, has sentenced AX025675 LDU (Local Defence Unit) Logwang Apakuto to a 30-year imprisonment for shooting dead a civilian in Kotido district.
Prosecution led by Lieutenant Hamuzah Mulike Hirya informed court that LDU Logwang Apakuto unlawfully caused the death of Lokong Ahmed of Nadomto village, Nakwakwa parish in Rengem subcounty by shooting using a gun.
At around 1900 hours the convict escaped from Malu detach with his gun number 56-6102231 with 30 rounds of ammunition.
He got drunk and started shooting recklessly eventually killing one civilian Lokong Ahmed and injuring two; LDU Lokidi Lokuri and civilian Loyang Napeyon both from Malu subcounty.

While sentencing convict, Col Benard Tuhame, the 3rd DCM Chairman said that parents are sending their children to the army for national duty to protect them but instead some children have rendered their lives to drunkenness and eventually killed the same people they are meant to protect. “Therefore, court has sentenced you at your own plea of guilty for 30 years in government prison.” Adding that the sentence will serve as a warning to those with the habit of going outside the barracks to drink with guns in their possession and killing innocent civilians.