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Unsual COVID-19 Symptoms Patients May Experience

The more we learn about the virus, the more we know how it is not something to be dismissed as a flu virus.

While the virus can take a toll on even the healthiest of people, the hardest attack is said to be for those who suffer from pre-existing medical issues. Some symptoms can even render you incapable of performing even simple tasks.

However, that may not always be true. COVID complications and bad symptoms could strike anyone. Even celebrities who have been diagnosed with the virus have talked of the many complications of the virus- from hearing loss, excessive hair fall, excruciating fatigue and much more.

Symptoms to watch out for

We talk about a few of the unusual- and rather painful symptoms which could affect your health post a COVID diagnosis:

Myalgia and intense back pain

Muscle pain or myalgia becomes a common factor of rapid viral multiplication in the body, which can sadly lead to shooting pains, muscles and chills in the joints and muscles.

Back pain, joint ache and inflammation can be quite prevalent during the peak days of infection swelling and cause a lot of discomforts. Pain and inflammation can be experienced in a lot of sensitive, blood vessel rich areas as the virus can spread through the bloodstream and cause infections in vital tissues.

Nerves, tendons, joints and ligaments can also undergo stress. Excruciating back pain and headaches can also be experienced in cases where the fever doesn’t go down and causes acute inflammation.

Nerves, tendons, joints and ligaments can also undergo stress. Excruciating back pain and headaches can also be experienced in cases where the fever doesn’t go down and causes acute inflammation.

Physical degeneration and weight loss

A COVID-19 bout can leave you drained, fatigued and make you undergo appetite loss. For patients who suffer from severe COVID-19 symptoms, weight loss is a common side-effect of the illness. The body loses out on its stamina and muscle mass, food intake is drastically reduced and in many cases, extreme weakness can also be experienced.

Unusual weight loss is also a symptom of rapid inflammation or chronic infection present in the body. Gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhoea, nausea can also affect gut functioning. Therefore, it’s important to follow a healthy diet and balance your diet during the recovery period.

Spike in blood pressure

Profuse blood clotting and hypertension can be two signs of your COVID battle getting more serious since they often go unnoticed until the last moments. This is one of the reasons why even those with a mild or moderate form of infection are asked to check readings often-even if they are feeling good.

SARS-COV-2 can enter the bloodstream and coagulate arteries and linings of the chest and the heart, which could interfere with the flow of oxygenated blood through vital parts of the body.

Doctors are also seeing a lot of patients in their mid-20s and 30s turn up to the hospital with blood clotting complications, indicating how COVID could create serious problems if you are not too careful.

Thrombosis and limb numbness

Blood clotting can lead to yet another dangerous complication-deep vein thrombosis in the legs and limb trouble, which can cause problems over the long run.

This strange symptom can be more commonly experienced by those who are older, and prone to chronic inflammatory problems. On the other hand, many also complain of suffering limb numbness, skin twitching.

Oxygen saturation

Happy hypoxia has emerged as one of the strangest, yet the most fatal sign of COVID severity which can strike any individual. Now, reports have emerged that even kids could be a victim of the same.

While oxygen levels below 90 are said to be dangerous, some people can show no signs of deterioration even at extremely low oxygen saturation levels and suffer from deadly complications later-this is what doctors term as a state of happy hypoxia.


According to doctors, hiccups are the newest, and perhaps the strangest symptom of COVID-19 which patients should be warned of.

Multiple case studies have suggested that persistent hiccups may be a potentially rare and unusual manifestation of COVID-19, in some cases, it could last for more than 48 hours.

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