The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament has directed the accounting officer in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to present performance and accountability reports regarding the funding of a UNDP supported project.
The committee chaired by Budadiri West MP Nandala Mafabi was meeting Under-Secretary Lynette Bagonza on Thursday over queries on the Peace and Security for Systems Resilience Project which is a multi-sectoral project through which the UNDP channelled $767,000 in 2017.
The Internal Affairs Ministry is the implementing agency and the Permanent Secretary Benon Mutambi authorizes funding to responsible parties under the project.
The responsible parties are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Justice Law and Order Sector, The National Consultative Forum, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Office of the Prime minister, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, The Elders Forum Uganda and The Inter-Religious Council of Uganda.

However when quizzed by Nandala, Florence Kirabira the overseer of the project at the ministry failed to produce accountability for funds disbursed to the responsible parties.
Nandala however noted that the work plans presented to the committee had no performance indicators and has demanded that the ministry avail them to the committee clerk by Tuesday next week.
Mafabi later told the press that the reason he is insisting on accountability is to make sure there is no duplication of activities. He also reasons that all funds from development agencies should be made known to Parliament which is the appropriating agency.