131 Members of Parliament have been sworn in on day one of the inauguration of the 11th Parliament. A total of 529 MPs-elect are expected to take their oath of office between Monday, 17 May 2021 and Thursday, 20 May 2021.
The ceremonies started with the Clerk to Parliament reading the proclamation followed closely by Hon. Jesca Ababiku (NRM, Adjumani) taking oath as the first MP of the new parliament Two representatives of older persons in Parliament, a newly created position to add to the special interest groups, took oath. Hon. Catherine Akumu Mavejinja for Northern Uganda and Hon. Peninah Busingye Kabingani for Central Uganda were sworn in.
Other Special Interest Groups in Parliament that have had MPs-elect taking oath include four Workers’ Representatives, two representing Persons with Disability (PWDs) and two representing the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF).
The oath of allegiance and the oath of Member of Parliament are provided for in Article 81 (4) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.
The Article states that, “Every person elected to Parliament shall take and subscribe the oath of allegiance and the oath of Member of Parliament specified in the Fourth Schedule to this Constitution; and shall not, except for purposes of taking the Oaths, sit or vote in Parliament before taking and subscribing to the oaths.” Section 2 of the Oaths Act, Cap. 19 of the Laws of Uganda mandates the Speaker of Parliament or Clerk to Parliament to tender the oath of allegiance and oath of a Member of Parliament to a person elected to Parliament.

The oaths will be administered to the MPs-elect by the Clerk to Parliament Jane L. Kibirige, through the four-day swearing-in period. This is the 11th Parliament of Uganda since the country attained independence in October 1962.